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Do you offer a consultation?

Yes, I do. It is a free consolation with no obligation to continue with treatment. A deposit of £25 is required to secure your appointment which would be returned to you if you decided not to go ahead with a treatment. In most cases my clients do opt to have a treatment in which case the £25 is simply deducted from the total cost. Sadly the £25 is non-refundable if you do not attend your appointment.

If I want to go ahead with the treatment do I need to book another appointment?

No. It is most common for clients to go ahead with the treatment after the consultation and therefore I always book appointments with enough time to carry out the treatment straight away.

How much filler do I need for lips?

For most people, using up to 1.1ml is just right, however, it depends on the look you’re trying to achieve and the size of your lips to begin with. I will not inject more than 1.1ml of lips in one sitting so if you’re a lover of bigger lips, you may want to come back for more filler.

How long do I have to wait if I want more filler added?

You have to wait a minimum of two weeks. Once you have waited for two weeks, so long as you feel as though your lips have fully healed and settled from the previous filler, you can have more added, so long as you use to the same brand of filler.

How much filler do I need for cheeks?

Again this depends on the shape of your face to begin with and the look you’re trying to achieve. The maximum I will use is 1.1ml filler per cheek (a total of up to 2.2ml) but actually I would usually recommend that you have 0.5 on each cheek (using a total of up to 1.1ml in one sitting) and then build on that on a future appointment if you want to enhance your cheek bones even more.

How much filler do I need for my chin?

This really depends on your chin goals! If you are generally happy with your chin but would just like to add some more volume, 1.1ml may well be enough. If you have a receding chin it will vary from person to person. You may be surprised at the difference 1.1ml can make but the consultation will be used to guide you better.

Can filler remove the dimple in my cleft chin?

Yes! If you have a dimple in your chin (also known as a cleft chin) which you do not want to be seen, a simple and fuss free procedure will fill the dimple.

How much filler do I need for my jaw?

This is one area where I’d suggest that for most people more than 1.1ml will be needed as it is quite a large area. However, 1.1ml on each side of the jaw (2.2ml in total) can be quite transforming! We can discuss this at your consultation in more detail.

Can fillers be used on men?

Oh yes!  Fillers can be used in mens faces in much the same as they can in women.  Have you seen those guys from Love Island? Have you flicked through a magazine and looked at the male models? Have you spotted that almost all of them have a chiselled & manly jawline to die for? You can have this too! And that’s the joy of dermal fillers!

What dermal filler do you use?

The brand of dermal filler I use can vary, so please contact me if you'd like to know more.

I have had filler before but it was a different brand. Is that ok?

Yes it is although if the filler you had before was in the same place as you are now going to have it, three months needs to have passed since the last treatment.

How long does filler last?

This is different depending on the brand of filler, the area the filler is being placed and the individual. Lips for example, would usually last between 6-9 months. Please contact me if you'd like to discuss this further.

Can anyone have dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are not suitable for everyone. There is an age restriction which prevents anyone under the age of 18 years old from having this treatment. Also, some medical conditions or medication may prevent a person from being able to have dermal fillers. This makes it especially important to be truthful and transparent when completing the medical questionnaire as it for your safety.

I’m scared of needles but I want the treatment, what do you suggest?

Please tell me if you are frightened of needles and I will make sure you do not see any – that’s the first step! You can lay back, close your eyes and listen to the music. If you’d like to bring headphones so that you can listen to your own playlist or if you have any other distraction methods, please go ahead. Together we can work around this situation so please remind me at the start of your appointment if you have a fear of needles.

What happens if I faint?

I am trained for this so do not worry! Within the medical questionnaire I ask if you’re prone to fainting just so that I can prepare for it. You may also find it beneficial to bring a sugary drink with you. If you’re not prone to it but it happens, I will take care of you and we will still be able to finish the treatment, so long as you’re happy to.

Is it painful?

To say that it can be a tiny bit eye watering and that it stings a little, is a better description than to say it is painful. Lips sting a little more than other areas of the face. Everyone has a different threshold of pain so some people breeze through the treatment with no pain at all whereas others leave my stress ball as flat as a pancake! Often it is the thought of what is being done which makes people a little more squeamish then the actual feel of it. But I use numbing cream to help and also the filler itself has lidocaine in which is an anesthetic so once you are passed the first couple of injections it gets easier. Would you believe that some clients actually enjoy the process!

Do you use numbing cream?

Yes I do. Lips are usually the only area which need numbing cream. I use Doctor Numb which is a really good numbing cream.

How long does it take?

Depending on what you’re having treated I usually book you in for a 45 minute appointment. That includes the consultation, treatment and aftercare too. The time it takes for the actual injections is just a few minutes. I’ve had lots of clients tell me that one of the reasons they enjoy coming to me is because they do not feel like they are on a conveyor belt, one after the other after the other. You will get my undivided care and attention for as long as you need it.

What happens after the injections have been done?

If the treatment has been to your lips, you’ll get a massage! Ok, so don’t get too excited, it’s not head, back and shoulders, it’s to your lips! Yes a lip massage! Here I will massage in a gel which has been made to use immediately after an aesthetic treatment. The key active ingredients include arnica, tea tree, aloe vera, ginseng root and allantion. This gel assists with healing and soothing and feels perfect after having lip filler.

Can I have just 0.5ml?

Yes, of course. The cost is the same for anything up to 1.1ml. The reason for this is because the filler cannot be used on anyone else and has to be discarded, therefore the cost is the same if you use 0.1 or 1.1ml

If I just use 0.5ml can I come back and use the remaining filler another time?

No, sadly you are not able to do this as the filler has to be discarded after 24 hours of opening.

Do I need to pay a deposit?

I ask for a £25 deposit which can be paid via bank transfer or Paypal.  The £25 is deducted from the total cost of the procedure,  Sadly the deposit is non-refundable if you do not attend your appointment.  

How do I pay for the treatment?

Please pay with cash at the time of the appointment.

Do you offer a payment plan?

No, sorry, I am unable to offer this.

Is there anything I need to do prior to having dermal fillers?

Yes, for your own safety:

· Do not take any form of Paracetamol, Aspirin or Nurofen etc. within 48 hours of the procedure.

· Do not take drugs or drink alcohol within 48 hours of the procedure.

· Please ensure you have had a drink and something to eat before the procedure (do not skip any meals)

· Do not consume drinks with caffeine (including coffee) on the day of the procedure

What’s the aftercare plan?

There are a list of dos and don’ts which I have added below for you, however I will talk you through all of them in person after your appointment. In addition to that, I pride myself on my aftercare and I will always be here to answer your questions or just to have a general chat about how the treated area is feeling and so on…you will not be left feeling abandoned, neither will you be told not to contact me within the first two weeks of having your treatment, which is something I hear often. I will take a lead from you as to how much you’d like to stay in contact with me – some of my clients message me every day for a week or so after their treatment, letting me know how they are feeling, how much they love their new look and sending me photos so that I can see how they are healing and progressing. It is due to my aftercare that I get so many client selfies which I LOVE! Other clients I hear less from, so it is up to you, but personally I love to stay in touch at least for a week or two. After that I often hear from clients when they book their next appointment! Be warned – once you’ve had it once, you will be back!

  • Redness, bruising and swelling is normal and will often subside after a couple of weeks but can take up to 3 months if it is extensive.

  • Hygiene is of extra importance and it is advisable to not touch the area or apply makeup/cosmetics for 6 hours. Also consider changing your pillowcase.

  • If numbing cream has been applied, be careful not to accidentally bite your lips if you eat.

  • Avoid hot drinks for a few hours.

  • For one week please avoid hot baths, sunbeds or direct sunlight to avoid the filler from liquidating and moving to areas that I’ve not placed it. It could also increase discomfort and swelling.

  • It is essential that you do not use ice to avoid the filler from migrating but you may use a cold compress.

  • If you had lip filler you may apply lip balm or Vaseline but please treat yourself to a brand new one to ensure that it is sterile. This will reduce risk of infection.

  • Arnica tablets/gel can be used to help reduce bruising

  • Do not have any facial massages or skin resurfacing until you're fully healed.

  • If the treatment has been to your chin, jaw or cheeks please sleep on you back for one week and avoid laying on the treated area.

  • If you experience any lumpiness in the implantation area, warm the area and gently massage to help smooth this out but don't do anything for two weeks or until you're happy that you have healed.

  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours and keep hydrated

Above are answers to the most frequently asked questions, which I hope help you decide if having dermal filler is the right treatment for you. If you are still unsure, give me a call or send me a message so that we can discuss further. Jeni x

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